We had a great summer, lots of camping on the field, including the inaugural Dovefest. It was a great weekend of campfires, music, kite flying , face painting and more. Sutton's circus was a big highlight, headlining the main stage. Something for us all to aspire to next year. I took loads of digi-film and hoped to produce a short feature, maybe even a full on hour long rockumentary, but I have managed to lose all of it. Doh. So all I have is a few shots which don't do the weekend justice.

There was some great music played, Saturday night's folk jam from Becky (accordion) Liz (fiddle) and Gerry (guitar) and not forgetting Josh's special Lou Reed composition for Simon. I have great memories of kids running around in the dark with glow sticks, Saturday morning cricket match and Wilf Sutton stealing the show.
The trees look fabulous, some of them now 8ft tall, which seems remarkable considering we planted them as 18in youngsters only 3 years ago.
Now the field is covered in snow, the land hard and cold. This winter we plan to put in lots of bulbs and more trees once the ground allows. Hopefully plant some fruit trees and see how they get on.